Myst Cafe

>> Saturday, December 25, 2010

Myst Cafe @ 101 Premier Commercial Center, a nice place to hang out with friends at night.

Why I say at night when it is opened from 1100 to 2300? It is because the cafe is warm at day time.

There is no air conditioner but some portable air conditional which are not cooling at all and some ceiling fan which are quite high above.

So basically, the cafe is warm on the day time. The conditions become better at night because there is no more hot sun. So you will feel a bit cooler there.

Besides the "not very cool" condition, everything else should be fine. The foods are very nice and the prices are reasonable. There are many games for you to play too. But I believe you will need to spend quite some time to figure out how to play all these games.

So now, let's look at some of the stuff that they serve. For you information, I might make some mistakes on the name of the food because the bill is not very clear and I don't think I memorized the look of the food 100%. So please forgive me.

Chocolate Milkshake. RM4.00. My friend say "nice".

Coffee Fiz???. RM3.00. Do not order this. My friend says it is terrible. Order at your own risk.

Berry Patch ???. RM4.00. I like this. But it is too sweet.

Potato Cup. RM5.00 for large portion. RM3.00 for small portion. I like this. The fillings(chicken) on the potatoes taste good. If you like to eat potato, I am sure you will like it.

Baked pasta??? RM7.00. Most of the food here are given 3 choices of chicken, lamb or beef.

Baked Cheese Rice. RM7.00. Not bad also.

Mince Meat Rice?? RM5.00. I chose lamb. You can also choose chicken or beef too, if I am not mistaken. Quite nice.

What what fried rice. RM7.00. My friend say not bad.

Beside the food that I have posted, there are still lots of snacks that taste very nice. I ate lots of them the first time I visited there but sadly I forgot to bring my camera. So, go and give it a try. I am sure you won't regret.

Map of Myst Cafe:


>> Monday, December 20, 2010


Date: 2 January 2011 (Sunday)
Time: 3.00p.m.
Venue: Hills Shopping Mall, Pullman Kuching
Contact: 082-482215 ext. 302/304


同时为配合东于哲全新单曲《躲猫猫》的推出,国际时报及S100娱乐主办、亿豪金卡协办及MY FM为指定电台的东于哲《躲猫猫》古晋签唱会将于2011年1月2日(星期日)下午3时假猫眼岭路的Hills购物广场底楼大厅举行, 势必让古晋的粉丝们可以在近距离跟他们心目中的偶像做近距离的接触。



该项签唱会除了让粉丝与东于哲有近距离接触外,本地著名舞蹈团Feasible Crew也将于现场带来精彩的舞蹈演出外主办当局也会为出席的朋友们举办有奖游戏让粉丝读者们参与其胜。



Map of Hills Shopping Mall, Pullman Kuching:

新闻来源:100% 来自国际时报


>> Sunday, December 19, 2010

Delizze, a bakery cum restaurant located at Premier 101 Commercial Center. I am sure many of the Kuchingites out there have been to this place before. As for me, this is my second time here.

For those of you who do not know what "Delizze" is, let me show it to you. As what I have said at the first sentence, Delizze is a bakery shop and also a western restaurant. At one section, you can buy all sorts of bread and cakes.

At another section, you can sit down to enjoy the nice but expensive food served.

The following are what we have ordered, their prices, and my review on the food.
Soup of the Day. RM5.50. Did not have a taste on it.

Chicken A La King. RM12.50. My rating: 6/10. The chicken too hard. The bread too hard. The sauce is nice. The French Fries are yummy. The veges are bad.

Chicken Gordon Blue. RM17.50. My rating: 8/10. The sauce is nice. The main food is just so so only, even though it can 爆浆.

1/2 Roasted Chicken. RM15.50. My rating: 7/10. The chicken is nice. The sauce is nice. The mashed potatoes are not so tasty. But most important of all is that the chicken is most probably just a 2 months old chick grown using hormone.

Hot Dog. RM9.50. My rating: 9/10. The hot dog is tasty. The potato wedges are nice. The bread is too hard. The veges are good for decor.

Map of Delizze:

《2011 Live动全城倒数派对》12月31 MJC City 引爆

>> Wednesday, December 8, 2010

《2011 Live动全城倒数派对》
12月31日古晋 MJC 盛大引爆

Date: 31 December 2010
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: MJC Batu Kawah New Township, Kuching
Artists Involved:
Y2J (神木与瞳)
Alisa (高以爱)
Rynn Lim Yu Zhong (林宇中)
Da Monster (摩斯特)
Vinx (林一心)
Katherine Cheng (曾凯婷)
Pei Jie (培杰)
Will Ng (黄威尔)
Diana Liew (刘婉莹)
Julio (黄苠晋)
Ren Qing (中国藏族女歌手仁青)
1. Free
2. Rock Zone (Free but with ticket)

这个跨年, 你准备倒数了吗?2010年将近尾声, 你将会以怎样的心情迎接2011年?答案就是以最Live最舞动的心情参与《2011 Live 动全城倒数派对》!由Magnum万能荣誉呈献 《2011 Live 动全城倒数派对》, 首开先河拉大队前往东马古晋进行群星大汇演, 届时誓必用最强的歌手阵容掀起全城最热话题, 用最美妙的歌声唱响东马的天空!

《2011 Live 动全城倒数派对》定于12月31日,晚上七时三十分,假古晋MJC City 户外停车场盛大举行。此派对属免费入场,而主办当局更特设摇滚区域(需凭票入场),有兴趣的朋友们可以浏览面子书或留意各个赞助单位。

配合《2011 Live 动全城倒数派对》,主办单位亦会进行一连串的造势活动, 届时请留意各大报章及全天候留守指定电台MY FM。除了得到Magnum 万能的挺力的支持,《2011 Live 动全城倒数派对》也得到各伙伴及有关单位的参与,它们包括指定电台My FM 、指定演出场地MJC City、指定休闲餐厅Station One Café 、指定赞助商Carlsberg 及Yestea、指定梳化Perfect Image。在獲得各單位的全力配合和支持之下,务必能把整個盛会的氣勢搞得得更有看頭!


Map of MJC Batu Kawah New Township:

Fairy Cave

>> Sunday, December 5, 2010

If you go to the Wind Cave, then you must visit the Fairy Cave as well. Even though I do not really like it, I still suggest you to drop by and have a look of it yourselves. Who knows you will like it? Fairy Cave is just less then 10 minutes drive from Wing Cave. Thus, since you have traveled so far to visit the Wind Cave, why not spend few minutes more to visit the Fairy Cave?

Not like Wind Cave, the entrance fee for Fairy Cave is totally F.O.C. The only "price" that you have to pay is to climb up this 5/6 stories high staircase.

After you have "conquered" the 6 stories staircase, you will reach the entrance of the cave.

Once you enter the cave, you will need to climb again. But this time, you will have to go through smaller and narrower path like the following:

Not only that, the path is actually dark like this.

So if you have the size of this, I would recommend you not to go or else, you will be stuck between the stair and the rock. Further more, please remember to bring your torchlight with you.

After you have climbed through the narrow spaces, these are almost all what you will see. Not much to see right? But of course, what you see from here and what you see when you go there personally might be different.

Finally, please be careful when you go there. The floor is slippery so make sure that you walk slowly and carefully. I really can't imagine what will happen if you fall.

Map of Fairy Cave, Bau, Kuching:

Wind Cave

>> Saturday, October 16, 2010

The "Wind Cave" or "Cave of the Winds" is a very popular local tourist destination close to Kuching. It is is located in the limestone area of Bau to the southwest of Kuching. It is about 5 km southwest of Bau. The cave is situated off the Bidi road which passes the Bau Lake. A new sealed road has recently been completed to the cave and the Sarawak River. A parking bay is situated adjacent to the river at the end of the access road from Kuching. Buses are available to Bau.

The Wind Cave was formed during the Jurrassic-Cretaceous period. Excavations by early explorers such as Beccari in 1865 have shown that people inhabited Wind Cave until recent times. Earthenware vessels, charcoal and pieces of marine and freshwater shells were found. The deep pits within the cave may have been made by gold prospectors in the 1930's. 

The major features of the cave include the stalagmites and stalactites, and pillars which form when these two join together. These are all common calcite formations. The minor features include floor cavities, pendants and current scallops. The limestone of the cave is pale grey or blue in colour and is fine-grained. Deposits of clay as well as thin layers of guano or rock phosphate are found throughout the cave.

The floor of the main passage has conical cavities which are separated by blade-like pinnacles of limestone. Stream erosion is evident by the smooth horizontal grooves in the floor and scalloped walls of the passages. These current scallops have a honeycomb appearance and indicate the direction of the flow of water. Another formation are the pendants which are limestone projections approximately 60 cm in length and which hang from the roof of the cave passage.

There are three groups of cave animals: the troglobites, which are restricted to the cave; the troglophiles, which live within the cave but can also exist in outside environments; and the trogloxenes, which use the cave for roosting but feed outside the cave.

Inside the cave, gastropods (molluscs) have been found on the walls and floor of the stream passage. These snails are unique to each limestone area. On the limestone mountain, 12 different species have been found, which include Opisthoporus rostellatus, Brotia costula and Gastroptychia adversa.

A variety of birds can be found along the river and on the limestone hill. Several types of bats inhabit the cave and can be seen hanging from the cave ceiling. The black nest swiftlets (Aerodramus maximus) can be seen and heard in the cave.

The above is some information that I have copied from Sarawak Forestry website. If you want to visit the website, just click on the link. If you are not from Kuching and have any inquiries, click on this link. But I tell you, I think it is more interesting for you if you continue to read here.

First of all, these are the pictures of the entrance.

Next, this is the customer service centre.

The entrance fee is RM3 for adults and RM1.50 for student, senior citizen, and disabled person. Children below 6 years old are allowed free entrance. If you would like to rent a torchlight, it is also RM3 per torchlight. So please remember to bring your own torchlight. As it is completely dark in the cave, you should really bring a powerful torchlight.

And this will be the map.

A closer look.

As you can see on the map, there are 3 different trails that you can start with. But actually, they are all the same as they are interconnected.

This is the entrance of the passage no. 1.

Next, some of the things that you can see in the cave.

So, these are all that I can show you. If you want to see more, you can go there yourself.

Extra information:
Make sure that your shoes are not slippery. It is wet inside the cave.
Make sure that you bring yourself a powerful torchlight. 1 torchlight per person.
Not littering.
No writing on rocks, trees and other facilities.
Love the cave.


Map of Wind Cave, Bau, Kuching:

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